Tuesday, January 21, 2020

How hard is medical school: 5 hardest things

How hard is medical school: 5 hardest things. The hardest course to EVER enter is Medicine:
  • the second highest SISU Court Note in 2017, of all courses, was for Medicine at the University of São Paulo (USO): 831.3
  • in the entrance exam for Fuvest 2018, there were 136 applicants for each position.
But how is it inside? How many years does it take on average to become a Doctor? Do you have an internship? Is expensive? What are the specialties?

F aculdades of Medicine

Not all universities have medicine. The Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) has 181 medical schools registered in its system, so, officially, this is the number of colleges available. If you want to find the best one for you, just enter here .

Q uantos years lasts the course?

Medicine is a course that lasts at least six years (12 semesters) - classes are usually full-time and some subjects and activities are usually on Saturdays. The course is divided into:
  • Basic - 1st and 2nd year. It is the period of the course with the introductory and more theoretical subjects .
  • Clinical - two more years. The beginning of living with patients and a more in-depth study of diseases.
  • Internship - the final two years. It is the internship, in this part the knowledge is put into practice. There are 12 weeks in each of these areas : Clinical Medicine, Pediatrics, Gynecology and Surgery. In addition, some specialties are presented such as Dermatology, Ophthalmology, Preventive Medicine, Psychiatry and Otorhinolaryngology.
After graduation, the medical student graduates as a General Physician. To be a specialist in any area, a specialization of at least two years is required.
So, all medical training lasts 6 to 11 years, in theory.

I nternato x Residence

  • Internship is the internship of medical students, the last two years of college that serve to put all acquired knowledge into practice;
  • Residency is already a mandatory specialization in Clinical Medicine. It lasts from two years to five years.

C atom Work specialties?

Six years to graduate. Only if you want to be a doctor, you will have to study for at least another 2 years:
  • Residence - two years working 60 hours a week in a SUS hospital. It is a mandatory specialization in Internal Medicine and the preparation period for any of the specialties.
  • Specialization -  you choose which area you want to specialize in and spend two years studying. The most sought after is Plastic Surgery, but there are around 50 possible specializations, such as Cardiology, Dermatology, Orthopedics, etc.

Q uanto costs a medical school?

Medicine, in general, is one of the most expensive courses . The amounts can reach more than 10 thousand reais per month - the University for the Development of the State and the Pantanal Region, in Campo Grande, has a monthly fee of R $ 13,584.00, but this is not something common. Most usually charge between 4.5 and 5.5 thousand reais each month. Private ones, of course. Public universities (whether federal or state) are free, but usually more difficult to enter.

I don't like blood. Will I have problems?

During anatomy classes, for example, it will be necessary to analyze and handle a corpse . At the boarding school, you will need to draw blood from a patient. But do not see this fear as something that will prevent you from doing medicine - many areas for specialization do not necessarily deal with blood and the like. This is an opportunity to evolve, to go over something.

And is medical school really for me?

To be honest: it is a course that prepares you for one of the 5 highest paid professions in the country , but it requires full dedication, total focus and a lot of emotional self-control . On average, a doctor has a weekly workload of 60 hours (12 hours a day, if Saturdays and Sundays are not counted), deals with several tense and highly responsible situations and, in addition to all this, he needs to keep studying for the whole profession.
Therefore, it is good to get to know the area as much as possible , talk to students and professionals already trained to know the most about the course and the profession. This will help you to be sure about the decision to study Medicine, and will give you even more strength to fight for such a beautiful dream.

How hard is medical school: 5 hardest things

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